EditorialSaint Thecla Praying for the End of the Plague in the City of Este. Lorenzo Tiepolo (Italian, 1736-1776); after Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696-1770). Date: 1759-1776. Dimensions: 630 x 377 mm (image); 703 x 400 mm (plate); 783 x 547 mm (sheet...
EditorialSilver washed fritillary, Argynnis paphia 1 male A female B with larva and pupa, large blue, Phengaris arion, near threatened 2, brown hairstreak, Thecla betulae 3, and small copper butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas 4. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from ...
EditorialReliquary bust of Saint Thekla, Relic bust from Saint Thekla, Reliquary bust of gilt silver and enamel, representing Saint Thekla. The hair is divided into two braids at the back. Around the neck, along the edge of the robe, a chain with red enamel and...
EditorialSt. Thecla of Iconium surrounded by a lion, a bear, a bull and a deer, in the background she is on a mountain on a pole tied by soldiers, print maker: Hieronymus Wierix (mentioned on object), Dating 1563 - before 1619.
EditorialWoman in house clothes playing the piano in 1793. Maria Anna Thecla Rottmaennin with her long hair. Chromolithograph from Hefner-Alteneck's "Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 18th Century," Frankfurt, 1889. Illustration by D...
EditorialRuler: Michael III, emperor of Byzantium, A.D. 842-867, Honorand: Theodora, Honorand: Thecla, Mint: Constantinople, Miliaresion of Michael III from?Constantinople, A.D.?84252, Silver, 2.07 g, 12:00, 23.5?mm, Made in Constantinople, Thrace, Byzantine, 9...
EditorialReliquary bust of Saint Thekla, Relic bust from Saint Thekla, Reliquary bust of gilt silver and enamel, representing Saint Thekla. The hair is divided into two braids at the back. Around the neck, along the edge of the robe, a chain with red enamel and...
EditorialSaint Paul with a book and Saint Thecla. Detail from Saints Paul and Thecla and the Stoning of Saint Paul (15-01-03 / 30). Carved ivory tablet.
EditorialWoman in house clothes playing the piano in 1793. Maria Anna Thecla Rottmaennin with her long hair. Chromolithograph from Hefner-Alteneck's "Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 18th Century," Frankfurt, 1889. Illustration by D...
EditorialRomanesque altar frontal. 1220. White marble reliefs. Mandorla, depiction of Saint Paul blessing Saint Thecla, The Father and the Holy Spirit. Detail from the main altar. Cathedral of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
EditorialButterflies in Central Europe 1, Thecla W album, Thecla Pruni, Thecla Quercus, Thecla Rubi, Polyommatus Virgaureae, Polyommatus Dispar, Polyommatus Hippotho?, Polyommatus Phlaeas, Lycaena Baetica, Plate IV, after p. 12, Deuchert, Heinrich (del. ad. nat...
EditorialButterflies and caterpillars in Central Europe 1, Anthocharis Cardamines, Leucophasia Sinapis, Colias Palaeno, Colias Phicomone, Colias Hyale, Colias Edusa, Colias Helice, Rhodocera Rhamni, Thecla Betulae, Plate III, after p. 8, Deuchert, Heinrich (del...
EditorialReliquary bust of Saint Thekla, Relic bust from Saint Thekla, Reliquary bust of gilt silver and enamel, representing Saint Thekla. The hair is divided into two braids at the back. Around the neck, along the edge of the robe, a chain with red enamel and...
EditorialSaint Thecla Praying for the End of the Plague in the City of Este. Lorenzo Tiepolo (Italian, 1736-1776); after Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696-1770). Date: 1759-1776. Dimensions: 630 x 377 mm (image); 703 x 400 mm (plate); 783 x 547 mm (sheet...
EditorialSaint Thecla Praying for the End of the Plague in the City of Este. Lorenzo Tiepolo (Italian, 1736-1776); after Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696-1770). Date: 1759-1776. Dimensions: 630 x 377 mm (image); 703 x 400 mm (plate); 783 x 547 mm (sheet...
EditorialRomanesque altar frontal. 1220. White marble reliefs. Mandorla, depiction of Saint Paul blessing Saint Thecla, The Father and the Holy Spirit. Detail from the main altar. Cathedral of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
EditorialSaint Thecla Praying for the End of the Plague in the City of Este. Lorenzo Tiepolo (Italian, 1736-1776); after Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696-1770). Date: 1759-1776. Dimensions: 630 x 377 mm (image); 703 x 400 mm (plate); 783 x 547 mm (sheet...
EditorialSt Thecla, set within a decorated headpiece. Menologion for the month of September. Eastern Mediterranean [Constantinople]; between 1070 and 1080. Source: Add. 11870, f.174v. Language: Greek.
EditorialRomanesque altar frontal. 1220. White marble reliefs. Mandorla, depiction of Saint Paul blessing Saint Thecla, The Father and the Holy Spirit. Detail from the main altar. Cathedral of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
EditorialSt. Thecla of Iconium surrounded by a lion, a bear, a bull and a deer, in the background she is on a mountain on a pole tied by soldiers, print maker: Hieronymus Wierix (mentioned on object), Dating 1563 - before 1619.
EditorialDrinker moth, Euthrix potatoria, brown hair streak, Thecla betulae, large skipper, Ochlodes sylvanus, small skipper, Thymelicus sylvestris, scarce marvel du jour, Dipthera runica, and barred umber, Plagodis pulveraria. Handcoloured lithograph after an ...
EditorialBlackthorn or sloe plum tree, Prunus spinosa, with brown hairstreak, Thecla betulae 6,7,8,9, black hairstreak, Satyrium pruni 10,11,12, and Rhagades pruni moth 14,15,16,17. Handcoloured lithograph from Carl Hoffmann's Book of the World, Stuttgart, 1848.
EditorialCommon brown morpho, Antirrhea philoctetes (Haetera philoctetes) 1,2, wing 3, common falsehead butterfly, Oxylides faunus (Thecla faunus) female 4,5, ventral and dorsal views. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwood's new edition of Dru Drury's "...
EditorialSilver washed fritillary, Argynnis paphia 1 male A female B with larva and pupa, large blue, Phengaris arion, near threatened 2, brown hairstreak, Thecla betulae 3, and small copper butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas 4. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from ...
EditorialWestern emperor swallowtail, Papilio menestheus 1,2, and Indian sunbeam, Curetis thetis (Thecla thetis), female 3,4, ventral and dorsal views. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwood's new edition of Dru Drury's "Illustrations of Exotic Entomolog...
EditorialWoman in house clothes playing the piano in 1793. Maria Anna Thecla Rottmaennin with her long hair. Chromolithograph from Hefner-Alteneck's "Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 18th Century," Frankfurt, 1889. Illustration by D...
EditorialRomanesque altar frontal. 1220. White marble reliefs. Mandorla, depiction of Saint Paul blessing Saint Thecla, The Father and the Holy Spirit. Detail from the main altar. Cathedral of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.
EditorialSaint Paul with a book and Saint Thecla. Detail from Saints Paul and Thecla and the Stoning of Saint Paul (15-01-03 / 30). Carved ivory tablet.