Editorialjug, painted, jug, earthenware, 12 cm x 6.4 cm., With support: 14.5 cm x 6.4 cm., Prehistory, Nagada-II d 1 Period, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.5, P. Giovetti.
Editorialpalette, bird-shaped, palette, slate, 13 x 15,7 cm, Prehistory, Nagada-II Period, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.3, P. Giovetti.
Editorialpalette, shield shape, bird's head, pierced, broken, palette, slate, 10,9 x 27 cm, Prehistory, Nagada-II Period, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.3.
Editorialjug, black-rimmed, pottery, jug, earthenware, 27 cm, Prehistory, Nagada-Ib Period, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.5 Raven, Scripture and writers (Amsterdam 1996), 16 nr. 1, cf. WMF Petrie, Prehistoric Egypt (London 1920), B 21c.
Editorialpot, pot, pottery, 15.5 cm in diameter, height 16 cm, Prehistory, Nagada-II b Period, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.5, cf. W.M.F. Petrie, Prehistoric Egypt (London 1920), B 66 a.
Editorialcylinder vase, painted, cylinder vase, pottery, 25 cm, Prehistoric, Nagada III a2 Period 3300-3000 BC, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.9, Pl.I, 28, P. Giovetti.
Editorialpot, painted, pot, earthenware, Height 23 cm, Diameter: 18.5 cm, Prehistory, Nagada-III a2-b Period, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.8, Pl.I , 24, P. Giovetti.
Editorialbowl, painted, bowl, earthenware, 7 cm., Diameter: 18 cm., Prehistory, Nagada-I c Period, SD 31-, EgyptDescription of the Egyptian collection, I, p.6, Pl. I, 9, P. Giovetti.