EditorialTinted drawing of a hanged man being taken down from the gallows, with a decorated initial 'A' in gold and colours, with a floriate motif and a bar extender. A historical chronicle of the popes and emperors from the Incarnation to the year 1350. France...
EditorialTinted drawing of a woman of Laon condemned to be burned being rescued by the Virgin Mary, with a decorated initial 'E' in gold and colours, with a bar extender. A historical chronicle of the popes and emperors from the Incarnation to the year 1350. Fr...
EditorialARTE GRIEGO. GRECIA. Relieve con la representaci?n de PERSEFONE y DEMETER entregando a TRIPTOLEMO (H?roe eleusino) la espiga de trigo, confi?ndole de esta manera la misi?n de extender la cultura del trigo. Museo Nacional de Atenas. Grecia.