The late General Sir De Lacy Evans, 1870. Engraving from a photograph by Ernest Edwards. the gallant veteran...was equally well known as a soldier and popular member of Parliament. In 1807 he proceeded to India,...taking part in the operations against Ameer Khan and the Pindarees...In 1810 he joined the army under Wellington in the Peninsula...he was present at the Battle of Toulouse, where he had a horse shot under him... he was in 1814 ordered on active take part in the war against the United States. At the battle of Bladensburg he [again] had his horse shot under him...he took part in the attack on Baltimore and in the assault on New Orleans. Returning to Europe in 1815, he...[joined] the army in Flanders under Wellington, and was engaged at Quatre Bras and at Waterloo, where he had two horses shot under him...He entered the House of Commons in 1831 as member for Rye...In 1846 he attained the rank of Major-General, and on the breaking out of the Russian War, in 1854, he was appointed to the command of the Second Division of the Eastern Army with the rank of Lieutenant-General. At the battle of the Alma his bravery was conspicuous. He distinguished himself in repulsing the attack of the Russians on our lines before Sebastopol. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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