The Civil War in America: a portion of the abandoned Confederate works and camp at Centreville - from a sketch by our special artist, 1862. A toIerably good notion of the strength of the Confederate works at Centreville may be obtained from our Engraving...It shows two of the redoubts, with the connecting links of rifle-pits and covered ways which extend along the crests of hills for an immense distance, making the position seemingly impregnable with good troops to hold it. The fortifications at Manassas are nothing in comparison with these. Centreville heights is the place which has held the Federal army in check for more than eight months. In two of the embrasures shown in our Illustration are two of the famous "quaker" guns, made of logs, which the Confederates, by way of joke, leave in place of the genuine articles when they evacuate their stronghold. Protected by the lines is a hutted camp for an entire division, and of these camps there are sufficient to provide quarters for over 100,000 men. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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