The destruction of the Moabites at Ein Gedi; viewed by Jehoshaphat; Illustration from the Dore Bible 1866. In 1866; the French artist and illustrator Gustave Dore (1832-1883); published a series of 241 wood engravings for a new deluxe edition of the 1843 French translation of the Vulgate Bible; popularly known as the Bible de Tours. This new edition was known as La Grande Bible de Tours and its illustrations were immensely successful. Jehoshaphat; the King of Judah was the fourth king of the Kingdom of Judah; and successor to his father. His children included Jehoram; who succeeded him as king. the Moabites formed a great and powerful confederacy with the surrounding nations; and marched against Jehoshaphat. The allied forces were encamped at Ein Gedi. they quarrelled among themselves; and slew one another; leaving to the people of Judah only to gather the rich spoils of the slain..

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