The Mausoleum of first Roman Emperor Augustus in Rome ( Mausol閑 d'Auguste; Augustusmausoleum). ( - Auguste; empereur romain (63 AV.JC-14 AP. JC) )Although this is the largest circular funerary monument in the Roman world; it was left in a ruinous condition for decades. It has been closed to the public for爉uch of the last 80 years; with access stopped completely in 2007. After a restoration project costing 10 millions euros the Mausoleum of Augustus will once again welcome visitors and is due to open on March 1; 2021. Besides being the final resting place of the Roman Empire's first Emperor Augustus (63BC-14AD); the ashes of a number of other important people were also laid to rest here : Augustus's wife Livia; Germanicus; Roman Emperors Tiberius; Caligula; Claudius and Nerva. Built in 28 BC on the Campus Martius in Rome; this great tomb is the largest in the Roman world. The structure consists of various concentric rings and was originally topped by a conical roof. The completed circular mausoleum had a diameter of 87 metres and it is thought a height around 42 metres. At the heart of the mausoleum there were a series of chambers; which once held the urns of the Imperial family. These inner chambers were reached by a narrow corridor from the entrance; on either side of which stood two pink granit obelisks. The mausoleum was heavily damaged by the Visigoths during the sack of Rome in 410 AD.Rome; Italy. 12/2020

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