Eeckhout; Gerbrand van den
(Amsterdam 1621 - before 1674)

Goodbye (Abraham Disowning Hagar). Oil on wood. Parquetted. 64 x 50.5cm. Signed and dated lower left: G. v. Eeckhout 1642. Framed.

Dr. W. Bernt; 4.11.1953.

- Kunsthandlung Steinmeyer; Paris; until 1914;
- Collection Edzard; Munich;
- Collection of an industrialist since at least 1953.

- Haman; Richard: Hagars Abschied bei Rembrandt und dem Rembrandt Kreis; in: Marburger
Jahrbuch f黵 Kunstwisschenschaft; 1936; p. 65; ill. 91: fr黨er bei Steinmeyer in Paris..;
bei Kriegsausbruch sequestiert... und seitdem verschollen ist'). Model etching by Rembrandt.
- Thieme-Becker (Vol. 10; p.355 1914): mentioned as "Die Versto遳ng der Hagar" (1642;
Steinmeyer; Paris).
- Sumowski; Werner: Gem鋖de der Rembrandt-Sch黮er (G. van Eeckhout - I. de Joudreville;
Vol. II); Landau 1983; p. 725 (with ill.).

In its subdued colours and the selective direction of lighting; Van den Eeckhout's painting closely resembles the works of his teacher Rembrandt. The layering of spatial planes is particularly reminiscent of an etching by Rembrandt on the same subject from 1637 (B30).
Our painting is mentioned and discussed in several publications; as for instance in the article "Hagars Abschied bei Rembrandt und dem Rembrandt-Kreis" (Hagar's Farewell at Rembrandt's and His Circle) by Richard Hamann in 'Marburger Jahrbuch f黵 Kunstwissenschaft'. It mentions that this painting was held by Steinmeyer in Paris until the First World War; where its trace was temporarily lost. By 1953 it had been added to its current collection; which is proven by a handwritten certificate by Walter Bernt dated November 1953.
Art trade; Van Ham.

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