Germany; Berlin; district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg: glass window of scene bar "Lerchen&Eulen" (English: "Larks&Owls"); closed due of lockdown during coronavirus crisis; totally covered with a poster with motive "THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE" of street artist Banksy; There is as well outdoor furniture in front of the bar indicating the closure of the bar. As well; there is a printed notice of the bar; reading: "Aufgrund der aktuellen "Verordnung zur Eind鋗mung des Coronavirus in Berlin" vom 14.03.2020 m黶sen alle Kneipen und Bars bis auf Weiteres geschlossen bleiben. Bleibt gesund und uns gewogen! Eure Lerchen&Eulen" (English: "Due to the actual "Regulation of containment of the coronavirus" of 14th of March; 2020; all pubs and bars remain closed until further notice. Remain healthy and keep us in good memory"). The original graffiti "There is always hope" of street artist Banksy appeared in London; South Bank; in 2002. A second glass window of the bar "Lechen&Eulen" shows as well a printed notice of coronavirus lockdown and another work of Banksy: "Life is beautiful"; originally at Sunset Boulevard; Los Angeles; California; USA; showing laughing US-jazz singer Billy Holiday (1915 - 1959).

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