LSE4333731 The Prophetic Dance, especially for the Masoupias tribe, lasts all day long, accompanied by drums, songs and claps of hands, the two dancers perform their dance until complete exhaustion, and when they fall unconscious, they leave the fateful words of a hunt or war planned by the king. Engraving by Th.Weber, to illustrate the story ???u pays des Marutses?????? in 1875-1879, by Dr. Emile Holub (1847-1902). Published in the Tour du monde, 2nd semester 1883, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette edition, Paris. by Weber, Theodore (1838-1907); Private Collection; ( The Prophetic Dance, especially for the Masoupias tribe, lasts all day long, accompanied by drums, songs and claps of hands, the two dancers perform their dance until complete exhaustion, and when they fall unconscious, they leave the fateful words of a hunt or war planned by the king. Engraving by Th.Weber, to illustrate the story ???u pays des Marutses?????? in 1875-1879, by Dr. Emile Holub (1847-1902). Published in the Tour du monde, 2nd semester 1883, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette edition, Paris.); Photo by Leonard de Selva.

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