ANCIENT ROME "Scipione Affricano returns a prisoner of rare beauty to Allucio Prince of Celtiberi". Episode related to the taking of Cartagena (210-209 BC); during the Second Punic War; by Publio Cornelio Scipione (236 BC - 183 BC); said Scipio Africanus because of the glorious defeat of Hannibal at the Battle of Zama . He joined the army in Carthaginian capital in Spain; his soldiers made him a gift of a beautiful girl who had taken prisoner; the young general; who intended to establish alliance with the conquered population; not accepted; but instead he wanted to look for the parents and boyfriend; who had been known to be the Prince Celtiberian Allucio. The handed back to the family and gave her a dowry gifts that parents had brought him out of gratitude; guadagnadosi the respect and loyalty of the defeated. Table illustrated n. 17 from "Roman History" by Charles Rollin (January 30; 1661 - September 14 1741); "engraved in branches of invention from light Sig. Bartolomeo Pinelli Romano and etched by Mr Raffaele Persichini". Rome; 1833

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