HOURS IN ALL COUNTRIES What time is it? "The advance of the day is of course marked by the apparent movement of the sun around the globe. The circumference of this is divided into 360 shares; or degrees of longitude; the time occupied by the diurnal movement is 24 hours. The sun appears to move to the speed of 15 ?at a time. When the sun reaches its highest point is said to be on the meridian; because the sun constantly changes its meridian; it follows (...) For instance; Paris is 2 ?25 ' east of longitude from London; the time is therefore of 9 minutes and 40 seconds later (...) ". English decorative Victorian illustrating on 36 clock dials the different zones in the world; the center to London reference; the meridian of Greenwich; conventionally called "Meridian 0" for the calculation of the Last Time by delegates from 25 nations at the Washington Conference; organized in October 1884 by the US administration. Engraving; Britain; XIX century

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