Bernard de Lattre de Tassigny (11 February 1928 - 30 May 1951) was a French Army officer; who fought during World War II and the First Indochina War. Bernard de Lattre received several medals during his military career; including the M閐aille militaire. He was killed in action at the age of 23; fighting near Ninh Binh.

At the time of his death; his father; General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny; was the overall commander of French forces in Indochina. Bernard's death received widespread newspaper coverage; with headlines drawing attention to the death of the son of a general. His mother worked to preserve the memory of her son; as well as that of her more famous husband who died in 1952.

Their legacy includes an open-air memorial chapel and centre in Wildenstein; Alsace; France. The death of Bernard de Lattre is mentioned in histories of the First Indochina War; and it has been compared to the deaths of other sons of generals and military leaders.

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