An element of light comedy was introduced in action brought by Police Inspector Bony against the weekly newspaper Gringoire in the Paris courts by the evidence of Georges Hainnaux known as Jo the Terror - this witness was the main figure in the dramatic discovery of the counterfoils of Stavisky's missing cheque book which he handed to the public prosecutor and the examining magistrate at a midnight rendez-vous at Bony's flat - inconsistencies in his statements about how he came by them were used as the basis on which the newspaper made its accusations against Bony - Hainnaux gave his evidence in rich Parisian argot and kept the court in constant merriment especially when he stated that M Guernut ( chairman of the Stavisky Commission ) had told him that he deserved to be treated with respect because he had saved France! - photo shows George Hainnaux ( Jo the Terror ) giving his evidence with his overcoat draped over the witness bar November 30th 1934

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