SAINTS - GEORGE Saint George, patron saint of England, is said to have been martyred at Diospolis, in Palestine, during the fourth century, under the persecutions mounted by Diocletian . It is thought that he was a soldier. The story of his exploits with the dragon were given colour and life by Voragine, in The Golden Legend. In this story, George rescues the daughter of a King, who had been sent dressed as a bride, to be devoured by the dragon. George subdued the dragon, and led it into captivity with the girdle of its intended victim. The image portrays him with the subdued dragon at his feet: alongside, is the princess he rescued. His connexion with England seems to have been cemented during the Crusades, when the Saint was perceived to help Richard I. Process print, from Alban Butler's The Lives of The Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principles Saints, edition of circa 1928.

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