Emperor Ingyo (???? Ingyo-tenno) was the 19th emperor of Japan; according to the traditional order of succession. No firm dates can be assigned to this emperor's life or reign; but he is conventionally considered to have reigned from 410-453.

Emperor Ingyo's empress is named Oshisaka no Onakatsu no Hime in the Japanese annals. Princess Sotori Hime was the concubine of the Emperor Ingyo; so named for the beauty of her skin which seemed to radiate through her robes. Later accounts associated her with the deity Tamatsushima Myojin; enshrined at Wakanoura in Kii Province; and venerated her as one of the three gods of poetry together with Kakimoto no Hitomaro and Yamabe no Akahito.

According to the Nihon Shoki written in 720; Princess Sotori lived in seclusion in the Fujiwara Shrine out of deference to the Empress. The Emperor decided to visit her there in secret; but even before he arrived the Princess had divined that he was coming by noticing a spider building its web in the roots of a dwarf bamboo plant. Pictures From History

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