Benito Mussolini 1885 - 1945 Gruppenbildnis, zusammen mit Julius v Gombos und Engelbert Bollfuss Mussolini, Benito Amilcare Andrea (Il Duce) Italian dictator and Fascist politician; initially active in socialist agitation; editor of socialist journal "Avanti" 1912-1914; founded journal "Il Popolo d'Italia" 1914; advocated Italian entry into World War I on side of Allies; fought in World War I 1915-1917; became pro-intervention nationalist and opponent of Communism; founded Fascio di Combattimento 1919 in Milan, initiating Fascist movement in Italy; officially organized Fascist Party 1921; oversaw Fascist takeovers of Fiume, Bologna, and Milan 1922; organized Fascist Congress in Naples 1922 and demanded resignation of Luigi Facta; led Fascists in march on Rome 1922, leading to Luigi Facta's resignation; appointed prime minister by Victor Emmanuel III 1922; prime minister of Italy 1922-1943; received dictatorial powers 1922 (lasting through end of 1923) to restore order; upon assassination of Italian emissaries to Greece, threatened Greece and occupied Corfu, withdrawing under international pressure 1923; engineered 1923 law guaranteeing two-thirds of parliamentary seats to party gaining plurality of popular vote, ensuring Fascist control of parliament following 1924 elections; when Fascists' assassination of Giacomo Matteotti led to secession of non-Fascist faction from parliament (Aventine Secession), disavowed connection with assassination and initiated press censorship 1924; cemented press censorship, forbade Freemasonry and secret societies, and began widespread arrests of political opponents 1925; received authorization to govern by decree 1926; incorporated Fascist militia into regular army 1928; incorporated Fascist Grand Council as official organ of government 1928, with exclusive power to nominate candidates for election to Chamber of Deputies; signed Lateran Treaty with papacy 1929, establishing Vatican City; established National Council of Corporati

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